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Key for Column Headings of 1835 Hinsdale Census

Transcribed by:  C. Savely &  K. Seward


Note:  Columns without tally marks (empty columns) were not included.


A  (1)      Head of Family


B  (2)       Number of Males in Family


C  (3)       Number of Females in Family


D  (4)      Whole number of male members in same family subject to militia duty


E   (5)      Whole number of male persons entitled by the constitution of this state to vote for all officers elective by the people


F   (6)      The number of persons in the same family who are aliens not naturalized


G   (7)      The number of persons in the same family who are paupers


H   (8)     The number of persons in the same family who are persons of color not taxed


I    (9)      The number of married female persons in the same family under the age of forty-five years


J  (10)      The number of unmarried female persons in the same family, between the ages of sixteen and

                forty-five years


K (11)     The number of female persons in the same family, unmarried, under the age of sixteen years


L (12)      The number of marriages occurring in the same family, where the female married resided, during

                the year preceding


M (13)    Male births in the same family within the year preceding


N (14)     Female births in the same family within the year preceding


O (15)     Male deaths in the same family within the year preceding


P (16)      Female deaths in the same family within the year preceding


Q (17)     The number of acres of improved land occupied by the same family


R (18)      The number of neat cattle owned by the same family


S (19)      The number of horses owned by the same family


T (20)      The number of sheep owned by the same family


U (21)     The number of hogs owned by the same family


V (22)      The number of yards of fulled cloth manufactured in the domestic way in the same family, during the preceding year


W(23)     The number of yards of flannel and other woolen cloths not fulled,manufactured the domestic way in the same family, during the year preceding


X (24)     The number of yards of linen, cotton, or other thin cloths, manufactured in the domestic way in the same family, during the year preceding.


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